
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

pay scale hike

ベースアップ ベア (=base pay hike [increase], basic pay scale hike:ベースアップは、全社員の基本給を一律に引き上げる待遇改善措置。勤続年数や年齢に応じて賃金が増える「定期昇給」や、業績や勤務評価に連動する「一時金」とは区別される。⇒base pay hike [increase], basic pay hike [increase])

pay scale hikeの用例

In the spring wage negotiations of 2020, Mitsubishi Electric Corp. and Fujitsu Ltd. agreed to a pay scale hike of ¥1,000 per month.

The company changed its wage system to a merit-based one instead of increasing wages almost across the board through pay scale hikes.

The labor union at Toyota Motor Corp. has demanded a total monthly pay increase of ¥10,100 on average, including pay-scale hikes and regular pay raises.

The labor unions at Toyota, Nissan and Honda sought a pay scale hike of ¥6,000 per month as the automakers are expected to report upbeat earnings backed by the weaker yen, while many employers believe that it’s extremely high.

Toyota reached an agreement with its labor union to a pay scale hike of ¥4,000 per month.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報

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