
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

pick up

(動)取り上げる 拾い上げる 持ち上げる 抱き上げる (受話器などを)取る 受信する (言葉などを自然に)聞き覚える 耳にする (情報を)キャッチする (人を)起こす 立ち上がらせる 拾う 迎えに行く[来る] 取りに行く[来る] (人を車に)同乗させる[乗せて行く] 手に入れる 得る 買う 入手する (請求書などを)支払う (勘定などを)負担する[持つ] 発見する スピードを上げる 勢い[はずみ]をつける (犯人を)逮捕する 拘引(こういん)する (自動)景気づく (景気などが)回復する 持ち直す 復調する 勢い[はずみ]をつける 増える 増加する 増大する 上昇する 盛り上がる 上向く 改善する 活況になる

pick upの関連語句

pick upの用例

As the lift in economic activity has come to a pause, the Bank of Japan revised downward its previous view that the economy had started picking up moderately.

Corporate loan demand should pick up once the economy begins recovering.

Economic activity has started picking up moderately as domestic demand remains firm, supported mainly by reconstruction-related demand.

Facebook will pick up nearly 650 of the 925 patents Microsoft bought from AOL.

Japan’s economy finally began picking up thanks to the government’s pump-priming measures and the recovery of foreign economies.

Since the launch of the second Abe administration in late 2012, business performances of major companies, especially exporters, have picked up, and employment conditions also have improved.

The pace of economic activity is picking up.

There are two patterns in price hikes. In a beneficial pattern of them, business picks up, improving corporate earnings, and the wages of company employees rise, stimulating consumption.

There is no sign of picking up.

Young careers are responsible for a wide range of tasks, including preparing meals and other housework, dropping off and picking up siblings from nursery school, in addition to assisting with bathing and toilet needs, medication and financial management, and accompanying people on outings.

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