
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

political party


political partyの関連語句

political partyの用例

According to the campaign pledges of the political parties, they are hesitant to ask the public to pay more for their social security system.

A debate organized by the Japan National Press Club was held among the 11 leaders of political parties.

As a major campaign issue for the looming House of Representatives election, political parties should show concrete steps for conquering deflation.

As an important issue of the upper house election, the political parties have made proposals that highlight handout policies to win the support of voters in farming communities.

If the LDP’s bill to revise the Public Offices Election Law passes, political parties and candidates will be able to update their websites and send out e-mails and the use of blogs, microblogs such as Twitter and social networking services will be liberalized.

In Thailand, antigovernment protesters aiming to unseat the country’s first female Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra surrounded a Bangkok sports stadium in an attempt to block political parties from registering for a general election held on February 2, 2014.

It is said that the number of voters who show high interest in politics but distrust long-established political parties has been increasing.

It will be impossible to win over the people if the ruling and opposition parties continue to receive grants from the government to political parties while turning a blind eye to their own dereliction.

Osaka Ishin no Kai, a regional political party, officially decided to enter national politics by launching a new party.

Political parties must show their concrete steps for defeating deflation in the election campaign.

Prior to the start of the official campaign period for the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly election, the de facto election campaign is already overheating, and the presidents and senior officials of political parties are running to and fro in Tokyo.

Public opinion of existing political parties would nosedive if the three-party agreement collapses and the integrated reform bills fail to pass.

Smaller political parties have been wrong-footed by the Prime Minister Noda’s sudden announcement of the dissolution of the Diet’s lower house.

The Chinese Communist Party, or the ruling political party of the People’s Republic of China, took a big step toward sealing the fate of a Chinese fallen politician.

These new political parties are trying to ride a favorable tide of public opinion.

Uncommitted or floating voters refer to voters who do not support any political parties.

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