
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

political turmoil

政治の混乱 政局混乱 政局の混乱 政治的混迷 (=political confusion)

political turmoilの用例

Amid prolonged political turmoil, Thailand’s military has staged a coup and the military has taken full control of the country.

As negotiations to form a coalition government fell apart after a general election, the political turmoil in Greece has deepened.

As Thailand has a history of attempting to end political turmoil by military coups, the military which took over the country is thought to be aiming to put the nation on a path to stability before transferring power to civilian control.

Due to Greek political turmoil and the Spanish bank problem, risk-averse sentiment is prevailing in the overall foreign exchange market.

Upward pressure on global oil prices is feared due to increased tensions in the Middle East and political turmoil in Venezuela.

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