
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

portfolio selection

資産選択 資産選好 資産管理 株式銘柄選択 ポートフォリオ・セレクション

portfolio selectionの関連語句

portfolio selectionの用例

In an age of e-books, the entire process of publishing scientific journals is online, from the submission of articles to internal peer review, selection for publication, editing and dissemination.

In the first selection round of the 2020 Olympics, the IOC pointed out that Tokyo needs to dispel anxieties related to the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, such as a stable electricity supply.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who announced to step down due to concern over his recurring disease, ulcerative colitis, is leaving the selection of his successor up to party executives.

The business strategy known as “selection and concentration” refers to jettisoning loss-making departments of a company and identifying its pillar of profit generation.

The latest selection of a new Nippon Keidanren chief differs from the past practice of the organization that has promoted a vicechairman to the chairmanship.

Tokyo received top scores in the category of management ability in the first round of the 2020 Olympics selection in 2012.

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