
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

power source

電源 電力源

power sourceの用例

Every proposal to dump nuclear power generation was voted down at the shareholders meeting of power companies as nuclear power is a fundamental power source for ensuring a stable energy supply.

The government will decide the optimal combination of power sources to secure and maintain a stable supply of electricity.

The proposal of an LDP’s study panel on nuclear energy policy and supply-demand issues calls for boosting the ratio of key base-load power sources including nuclear and coal-fired thermal power, which can generate electricity on a 24-hour basis, from the current 40 percent to 60 percent.

Until Japan can secure stable alternative power sources, it is desirable to use nuclear power as a key energy source by introducing much safer new types of reactors.

Utilities are striving to boost [increase] supply capacity in preparation for this summer by installing emergency power sources and revising repair schedules for thermal power plants.

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