
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

prefectural governments

都道府県 道府県 地方自治体 自治体

prefectural governmentsの用例

After an outbreak of avian influenza at a poultry farm in the town of Taragi was confirmed, the Kumamoto prefectural government has completed the culling of about 112,000 chickens.

As the rehabilitation plan has gradually taken shape, a number of prefectural governments with local airports to which JAL has decided to scrap flight services have voiced their opposition.

Plans prepared by seven prefectural governments to reduce the overall amount of nitrogen oxides and particulate matter emitted by automobiles were approved by a government council on environmental pollution control.

The government will hold back the spending of ¥5 trillion including tax grants allocated to prefectural governments and subsidies for independent administrative entities over three months from September.

To gain World Heritage designation for the Tomioka Silk Mill and Related Industrial Heritage, the Gunma prefectural government began full-fledged efforts in 2003.

To preserve the environment of Mt. Fuji, a World Heritage site, the Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectural governments will collect ¥1,000 per climber in principle as a voluntary admission fee.

Under an ordinance of the Osaka prefectural government, if people who sexually assaulted youngsters live within the prefecture after being released from prison, they must report their personal information to the government over the five years after they completed their terms.

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