
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

prepare for

〜の準備[用意]をする 〜に備える 〜に対応する 〜の覚悟をする

prepare forの関連語句

prepare forの用例

As the government is slow to prepare for electric power shortages looming this summer, it has come under severe criticism from businesses.

Chinese President Hu Jintao directed high-ranking naval officers to prepare for an expansion of their military struggle to vie with the United States.

In order to prepare for an expected surge in crude oil prices, the G-8 leaders expressed their will to realize international collaboration.

Japan has yet to enter full-scale TPP negotiations, but the LDP has not presented concrete measures to prepare for the liberalization of trade, including steps to bolster competitiveness in the agricultural sector.

Japan needs to prepare for China’s ever-escalating provocative actions by increasing alertness over China in cooperation with the United States.

On New Year’s Eve after preparing for the New Year, Japanese people eat year-end buckwheat noodles.

Small and midsize companies have been stepping up equity financing to fund capital investments and prepare for M&A deals.

The Hamas-Israeli conflict worsened to a perilous crisis in which Israel prepared for a ground invasion of Gaza.

To prepare for the fall of North Korea’s missile, the Self-Defense Forces deployed three Aegis-equipped destroyers with interceptor missiles to the East China Sea, and units equipped with PAC-3 missiles were deployed to Ishigakijima and other areas.

To prepare for unpredictable events by anti-Japan demonstrators, the Japanese government will strongly press the Chinese government to ensure the safety of Japanese people and Japanese-affiliated companies in China.

Under the rezoning of evacuation areas, areas where the accumulated radiation exposure is less than 20 millisieverts per year would be designated “zones being prepared for residents’ return.”

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