
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

prior to

〜に先立って 〜より前に 〜の前に 〜を前に

prior toの用例

Food imports from China declined sharply after the poisoned frozen gyoza incident, but now the figure has almost returned to the levels recorded prior to the incident.

Prior to the Group of Eight summit scheduled to open in Britain, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and BOJ Gov. Haruhiko Kuroda met to discuss the economic situation.

Prior to the start of the official campaign period for the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly election, the de facto election campaign is already overheating, and the presidents and senior officials of political parties are running to and fro in Tokyo.

The anticancer drug Gefitinib, marketed as Iressa, was administered to 286 lung cancer patients in Japan prior to clinical tests and before the drug’s official approval.

The approval of at least two-thirds of the members of each house prior to a special referendum is required of a revision of the Constitution by the Diet’s initiation.

The DPJ’s top echelon designated two party members as candidates running on DPJ tickets in Tokyo prior to the start of official campaigning for the upper house election.

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