production cost

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

production cost

生産コスト 生産費 製造コスト 製造原価 製品原価

production costの用例

Introducing renewable energy sources instead of nuclear power plants may lead to the hollowing-out of the domestic industrial sector in the face of increased production costs, and bankruptcies of small and midsized businesses.

Japanese-affiliated companies operating in China will have to be aware of “China risks” such as rising production costs as well as the stronger Chinese yuan and anti-Japan riots.

Production costs for petrochemical products such as polyethylene also have risen.

Through the merger, the two firms will strengthen the development of energy-saving ships, offsetting high production costs with improved technological capabilities.

Toyota became a leader in the auto industry by cutting its annual production costs by ¥300 billion.

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