
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

pros and cons

良い点と悪い点 良し悪し 賛否(の意見) 賛否両論

pros and consの用例

Debates on the pros and cons of a proposal to end the quantitative relaxation of credit by the Bank of Japan are gathering momentum.

The four-way gubernatorial race in Okinawa mainly focuses on the pros and cons of going ahead with the project to relocate the U.S. Marine Corps’ Futenma Air Station to Henoko in Nago City.

There are pros and cons on the SDF’ adoption of cruise missiles within both the Japanese and U.S. governments. But the bottom line is that the SDF and U.S. military must reexamine their roles from the standpoint of buttressing the Japan-U.S. alliance.

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中国のゴビ砂漠などの砂がジェット気流に乗って日本へ飛来したとみられる黄色の砂。西日本に多く,九州西岸では年間 10日ぐらい,東岸では2日ぐらい降る。大陸砂漠の砂嵐の盛んな春に多いが,まれに冬にも起る。...
