
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

protester [protestor]

(名)抗議者 デモ参加者 抗議行動への参加者 デモ隊

protester [protestor]の関連語句

protester [protestor]の用例

After a Moscow-friendly Ukrainian president was pushed from power by antigovernment protesters and Russia annexed Crimea, relations between Ukraine and Russia are in tatters.

After more than a week of pro-democracy rallies over the election of the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, which attracted tens of thousands at their peak, only hundreds of protesters remained on the main road as the last holdouts.

A national holiday celebrating the military on Oct. 6, 2013 turned to mayhem as security forces and Islamist protesters clashed around Egypt, leaving 51 killed.

At a park in the Turkey’s largest city of Istanbul, demonstrators have harnessed the Internet to call on people to rise up, causing the number of antigovernment protesters to swell into the tens of thousands.

At the U.N. Security Council, a U.N. resolution demanding that Syria’s Assad regime immediately stop its crackdown on antigovernment protesters was rejected.

Egypt’s former president Hosni Mubarak received a life sentence as he failed to stop the killing of protesters during Egypt’s uprising.

Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was allowed to be retried over the killings of protesters in the 2011 popular uprising.

In Brazil’s capital city Brasilia, anti-World Cup protesters stormed a building while a main thoroughfare in Sao Paulo was blocked with burning tires.

In Thailand, antigovernment protesters aiming to unseat the country’s first female Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra surrounded a Bangkok sports stadium in an attempt to block political parties from registering for a general election held on February 2, 2014.

Protesters around the world are taking to the streets to protest for and against a possible U.S.-led military attack in Syria to punish the Assad administration for its alleged use of chemical weapons against the people.

Russia accused the U.N. resolution condemning the Syrian Assad regime of bias toward antigovernment protesters.

The Thai government has so far failed to meet the demands of protesters, which include the holding of new elections, amending the Constitution, and an end to intimidation of critics.

“Three fingers” raised by student protesters during a rally in Bangkok, Thailand on Aug. 16, 2020 are the symbol of a resistance salute.

Tunisian protesters demonstrated in Tataouine on June 22, 2020 and demanded that authorities should make [demanded authorities make] good on a 2017 promise to provide jobs in the gas and oil sector to thousands of unemployed.

Tunisian security forces fired shots to disperse protesters.

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