
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

raise external funds

外部資金を調達する (=raise capital, raise money)

raise external fundsの関連語句

raise external fundsの用例

According to the international police agency Interpol, the two passengers aboard a missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 used stolen Austrian and Italian passports, raising suspicions of foul play.

Amid public calls for eliminating the waiting lists for licensed day care centers, it is required to create an environment in which more people can raise their children while continuing their careers.

At present, export industries including home appliances and automobiles are raising their expectations for improved corporate performance under the weak yen, which has also driven up stock prices.

Businesses are wary of too-low yen as it would raise the costs of crude oil and liquefied natural gas.

Business leaders are voicing concern about excessive depreciation of the Japanese currency as it would sharply raise the cost of crude oil and LNG.

China is pressured to raise the yuan’s exchange rate significantly.

Facebook’s initial public offering of stock would be the biggest ever for an Internet company as it could raise as much as $13.58 billion.

In raising the hot-button issue of theft of intellectual property through the hacking of computer networks, Vice President Joe Biden did not mince his words.

In this spring’s labor offensive, many companies could not afford to raise the basic wages of their employees.

It is essential to prepare an environment that facilitates the birth and raising of children in order to stem a skid in population.

Nippon Life Insurance Co. plans to raise ¥50 billion for acquisitions and to strengthen its capital base.

Reducing working hours and increasing child-care leave are essential to help husbands and wives raise their children.

Resona Holdings Inc. will raise about ¥250 billion by issuing subordinated bonds to U.S., European and Asian institutional investors this month.

The current official discount rate of 0.1 percent per annum is expected to be raised to between 0.35 percent and 0.5 percent.

The Democratic Party of Japan has finally approved bills to raise consumption tax rate after nights of heated discussions.

The government’s share of contributions to the basic pension fund was raised from one-third to half.

The higher the level of stock prices, the more funds firms can raise from IPOs.

The OECD raised its 2012 growth forecasts for the Group of Seven nations.

The ongoing business slump raises the specter of a global downturn comparable to the Great Depression that started in 1929.

The ratio of renewable energy sources must be raised from the current level of about 10 percent to 35 percent to make up for the loss of nuclear power plants.

The volcanic alert level of Mt. Hakone was raised to Level 2 which restricts access around the volcanic vent.

To increase the ratio of renewable energy sources to make up for the loss of nuclear power plants, the ratios of solar power generation and wind power generation would have to be raised.

Tokyo agreed with Seoul in October 2011 to raise the currency swap ceiling from the conventional $13 billion to $70 billion.

To narrow China’s income gap and expand domestic consumption, the Chinese government plans to raise the national minimum wage by more than 13 percent annually while boosting allowance when employees leave a company.

To strengthen its capital base ahead of the merger, the company will raise ¥30 billion through the allotment of new shares to DDI by the end of September.

Under the food self-sufficiency rate on a calorie basis, even beef and pork from animals raised in Japan are not considered domestic products if they consumed imported feed.

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[1973~ ]プロ野球選手。愛知の生まれ。本名、鈴木一朗。平成3年(1991)オリックスに入団。平成6年(1994)、当時のプロ野球新記録となる1シーズン210安打を放ち首位打者となる。平成13年(...


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