
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

range of loss

損失の範囲 損失の範囲額

range of lossの関連語句

range of lossの用例

According to the Japanese Embassy in Turkey, a Japanese journalist was shot dead at close range in a northern city of war-torn Syria.

A cheaper yen increases import costs, but if the yen-dollar exchange rate is within the range of ¥95-105, it would be possible for companies to maintain competitiveness in exports.

As Ospreys transport aircrafts are superior in terms of cruising speed and flight range, they will help U.S. marines improve their rapid response capabilities and strengthen the deterrent of U.S. forces as a whole.

A wider range of working styles will lead to more opportunities for entrepreneurship and the expansion of employment opportunities for the elderly.

China is ramping up investment in a range of areas including nuclear weapons, long-range missiles, submarines and aircraft carriers.

Crude oil prices stayed within a $20 range in the early 2000s.

3-D printers, which do not need any metal mold in a manufacturing process, can be used in a wide range of fields, including manufacturing parts for automobiles and aircrafts and making artificial bones.

In direct yen-yuan trading, there will be no limit to the fluctuation range in the Tokyo foreign exchange market.

It is expected to create high added value and a wide range of spin-off effects.

Japan must enhance its deterrence against North Korea as Japan is already within the range of North Korea’s Rodong intermediate-range ballistic missile by strengthening its alliance with the United States.

North Korea has moved a missile known as the Musudan, which has a range of 3,000 kilometers, to its east coast.

Sony Corp. launched Japan’s second Internet-based bank in the hope the branch-free bank can attract customers with higher deposit interest rates and a range of new financial services based on Sony’s cutting-edge information technology.

The average OPEC oil price rose to the $71 a barrel range in August.

The biggest point of contention in the upper house deliberations on the special secret protection bill was whether bureaucrats would arbitrarily expand the range of secrecy.

The prices of U.S. natural gas currently are about $3 to $5 per million British thermal units (BTU) and they briefly dropped to the $2 range in 2012, while the gas was traded between $6 and $10 until about 2008 before U.S. shale gas production increased.

The range of priority areas for nuclear disasters will be expanded to a 30-kilometer radius from nuclear power plants.

The U.S. dollar traded at the lower ¥85 range in Tokyo over concern about the U.S. economic outlook.

The yen hovered in a narrow range in the upper ¥85 level to the dollar.

Under the current freedom of information system, it’s difficult for people to access information because of the narrow range of disclosure.

Under the guise of launching an observation satellite, North Korea ignored international warnings and fired a long-range ballistic missile.

U.S. business expansion has entered its ninth year and U.S. stock prices have been hovering within the range of record-high levels.

We resort to layoffs only after applying a full range of measures: retraining, early retirement plans, special leaves of absence and opening up other jobs through attrition and other means.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報

