
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

record high

記録的な高さ 空前の高さ 過去最高 過去最悪 過去最多 過去最大 史上最高 最高値 (⇒power generation, recurring profit, versus)

record highの関連語句

record highの用例

As Abenomics, the economic policy by the Abe administration, has drawn global attention to the Japanese economy, the ratio of foreign holders of Japanese equities reached a record high of about 30 percent as of the end of March 2013.

As the yen’s decline inflated the values of overseas earnings when converted into yen, the income account surplus in July 2013 hit a record high for July.

Japan’s trade deficit in April-September 2014 hit a record high due to increased demand for liquefied natural gas for thermal power generation and a rise in overall import prices stemming from the yen’s depreciation.

Such capital inflows have offset U.S. fiscal and trade deficits and boosted stock prices to record highs.

The deficit in goods and service trade combined in January-June 2012 expanded to a record high of about ¥3.42 trillion from ¥1.08 trillion a year before.

The income account surplus in July 2013 expanded 24.2 percent to ¥1.79 trillion, hitting a record high for July and up for the eighth straight month.

The number of stalking cases hit a record high last year.

The number of temporary employees at Toyota Motor Corp.’s domestic factories is likely to reach a record high of 7,000 within the year.

The number of the unemployed who involuntarily lost their jobs in April hit a record high of 1.15 million, up 240,000 from a year earlier.

The population of centenarians stood at 54,397, setting a record high for 43 years in a row.

U.S. business expansion has entered its ninth year and U.S. stock prices have been hovering within the range of record-high levels.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報





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