
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

record low

記録的な低さ 記録的な低水準 空前の低さ 過去最低 過去最悪 史上最低 過去最少

record lowの用例

Amid a rapidly aging population, the number of births in Japan fell to a record low of 1,037 million in 2012.

Long-term interest rates have soared almost fourfold in the past three months after the rates hit a record low in mid-June.

The average ratio of job offers to job seekers dropped to a record low in 2009, down 0.41 point from the previous year to 0.47.

The number of job openings per job seeker remained at a record low 0.46 for the second straight month in June.

The outstanding balance of lending in October declined to a record low since the Bank of Japan began compiling such data.

To prevent the European economy from falling into deflation, the ECB will cut its annual policy rate to a record low 0.15 percent and lower the overnight deposit rate, which is applied to funds commercial banks park at the ECB, to minus 0.1 percent from zero percent.

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