
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

refer to

〜に言及する 〜に触れる 〜をはっきり口にする 〜を参照する 〜を調べる 〜を指す 〜を表す 〜のことを示している 〜に関係する (⇒PB)

refer toの関連語句

refer toの用例

An employment agreement in the past became toothless due to the practice of “aotagai” (green harvest) which refers to starting recruiting activities earlier than the agreed date.

As a basis for its economic assessment, the report referred to increases in exports, progress in inventory adjustment and the bottoming out of industrial production.

Asakatsu, which refers to company employees’ early morning activities, is branching out into hobbies, leisure, physical exercise and other activities from conventional participation in self-development programs.

A “small government” which Romney advocates refers to a policy line that would attempt to boost the economy with a variety of tax cuts and regulatory easing while drastically cutting back on federal spending.

China has used the expression of “core interests” in regard to its sovereignty and territorial integrity when it refers to the issues of Taiwan and Tibet.

Contiguous zone refers to a band of water extending up to 12 nautical miles from the outer edge of the territorial waters, and all foreign ships are granted the right to unrestricted passage across the zone.

Core technology, or the crux of the corporate technology strategy, refers to a company’s technology and technological areas indispensable for keeping its long-range competitive advantage.

Fiscal cliff refers to a significant reduction in the budget deficit that the U.S. government will face if Congress does not avert tax increases and spending cuts.

“Hachiju hachiya” refers to the eighty-eighth day usually from February 4, the beginning of spring in Japan, and it is known as the best time for tealeaf picking.

Indonesia, an ASEAN member nation, has benefited from the so-called “demographic bonus” that refers to a situation in which an increase in the working-age population spurs economic growth.

In his State of the Union address delivered on January 28, 2014, Obama proposed minimum wage hikes in consideration of low-income earners who have not yet benefited from the economic recovery, while referring to the expansion of job opportunities with the TPP free trade agreement and immigration reform.

Intractable diseases generally refer to those for which treatment has not yet been established due to a low number of cases.

It remains uncertain how the U.S. will resolve the fiscal cliff, which refers to a combination of expiring huge tax cuts and automatic spending reductions from the beginning of 2013.

Mixed treatment refers to a combination of medical practices covered by public health insurance, such as examinations and medication, with those that are not.

Referring to the speech of Martin Luther King, Jr., U.S. President Obama said that his speech inspired millions of Americans to fight for a more equal society and rights that people now take for granted.

Social distancing refers to keeping a safe distance between you and other people to prevent coronavirus spread.

Social games refer to a system in which players exchange information with others on the Internet by using cell phones or smartphones.

Stealth marketing refers to concealing the fact that it is an advertisement.

The Arab Spring, which is also known as the Arab Revolution, refers to the revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests that occurred in the Arab world from 2010 to 2011.

The business strategy known as “selection and concentration” refers to jettisoning loss-making departments of a company and identifying its pillar of profit generation.

The diffusion index (DI) of business confidence refers to the percentage of companies that feel business conditions to be favorable, minus the ratio of firms that think otherwise.

The right of collective self-defense refers to the right of a country to regard a foreign armed attack on its ally as a threat to its own security and use force to contain the threat.

The term “comfort women” is a euphemism referring to women forced into sexual servitude in wartime Japanese military brothels.

Uncommitted or floating voters refer to voters who do not support any political parties.

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