
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

refrain from

慎(つつし)む 差し控える 控える 自粛する 遠慮する 我慢する 自制する こらえる 止める

refrain fromの関連語句

refrain fromの用例

A major film maker refrained for two months from shifting the raised costs caused by the hike in the price of polypropylene in June to product prices.

As a tacit understanding with EU member states, the European Central Bank has refrained from implementing monetary policy that is effectively a fiscal bailout.

China seems to have refrained from taking any action that could further escalate tension as the Japan-U.S. alliance is functioning to deter Beijing’s provocation.

Due to anxiety over possible infection with the new [novel] coronavirus, more parents and guardians are refraining from using nursery schools.

During the tripartite meeting of the Japanese, U.S. and South Korean senior diplomatic officials, the officials agreed to cooperate with China and Russia in urging the reclusive nation to refrain from launching a long-range ballistic missile.

Freelance photojournalist Kenji Goto killed by the Islamic State was advised to refrain from visiting Syria by an official of the Foreign Ministry’s Consular Affairs Bureau.

India is deepening cooperation with Japan and the United States to urge China to refrain from behaving in a hegemonic way, by strengthening the multilateral cooperative system.

In the presidential election in 2012, Egyptian citizens have by and large refrained from involving themselves in the democratization process.

Kan should refrain from taking makeshift measures.

Some judges of district courts are said to refrain from consulting others as they place high value on the independence of the judge.

Sony will focus on developing next generation 4K TVs as its new TV division strategy, but it will refrain from waging a price war with its rivals in the 4K market, giving priority to enhancing its profitability mainly through luxury models.

The Tokyo Stock Exchange has called on listed companies to refrain from taking excessively protective measures against hostile takeover bids.

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