
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

reserve fund

準備金 準備資金 積立金 予備費 準備基金 基金

reserve fundの用例

At its Policy Board meeting, the BOJ decided to increase the amount in a reserve fund used to purchase government bonds and other assets by ¥10 trillion to ¥80 trillion as additional easing moves.

In the compulsory auto insurance program, returns from the insurance premiums are accumulated in reserve funds to use for projects, including one to help people who suffered permanent damage in traffic accidents.

The Bank of Japan decided on Sept. 19, 2012 to increase the amount in a reserve fund used to purchase government and corporate bonds by ¥10 trillion to ¥80 trillion as part of additional monetary easing measures.

The BOJ increased the amount in a reserve fund used to purchase government and corporate bonds by ¥10 trillion to ¥80 trillion, but this step has not brought about such desired effects as a correction of a strong yen.

The reserve fund of this fiscal year’s budget should be used to implement measures to prevent the economy from slowing down.

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