
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

resource room


resource roomの関連語句

resource roomの用例

Access to genetic resources requires prior informed consent of the country of origin.

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, recoverable U.S. shale gas resources are projected to be 862 trillion cubic feet (about 24 trillion square meters), the world’s second-largest after China.

As long as Japan depends on thermal power generation as an alternative electricity source, LNG imports will continue to increase and the nation’s wealth will flow to countries rich in natural resources.

At the 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP10), a protocol on access and benefit-sharing (ABS) of genetic resources was adopted.

Behind Japan’s declining competitiveness in the field of science and technology are lackluster public fiscal support, the deteriorating research environment, and a shortage of human resources.

Corporations must work on job training for those people who will lead future industries, through improved technical training and other human resources development programs.

Discussions on tax hikes to secure financial resources for the national pension system are expected to go into full gear around the end of this year.

Issuing Finance Ministry bonds on the pretext of a shortage of fiscal resources would violate the public finance law.

The company will concentrate its resources on the digital camera market.

The enforcement of the revised Mining Law enables the government to take the lead in specifying candidate sites for extracting seafloor resources and selecting developers.

The firm plans to shift management resources to appliances for homemakers and environment-related products.

The government couldn’t secure fiscal resources of ¥38 trillion, equivalent to 40 percent of projected state revenue, due to the scrapping of the special bill on issuance of deficit-covering government bonds in the ordinary Diet.

The government will make final judgments whether to go ahead with the commercial production of methane hydrate and seafloor hydrothermal deposits in fiscal 2018, based on the results of test drilling and investigation of the resources.

The issue of securing financial resources of a new support system for patients suffering from rare diseases will be conferred at minister-level negotiations.

The root cause of problems surrounding the Senkakus is said to lie in China’s unilateral assertion of a groundless claim to the islets since it was learned that the area of the East China Sea around them might contain rich oil resources.

The U.S. Defense Department is looking into ways of juggling its resources between regions if called upon to fight and win two major wars simultaneously.

To secure resources, the government will ask each ministry and agency to cut its discretionary spending by 10 percent from the previous year.

We believe these commitments of resources are necessary to be successful in these markets.

We must undertake efforts to secure stable supplies of resources as Japan is short of land-based energy and mineral resources.

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