
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

responsible for

〜の責任[責務]がある 〜に対して責任がある 〜の責任を負う(べき) 〜を担当している 〜を担う 〜を負担する 〜の原因[要因]である 〜を招いた 〜に関与[関係]する 〜の張本人である (=blamed for)

responsible forの関連語句

responsible forの用例

Currently 653 disaster base hospitals designated by cities, towns and villages are responsible for providing emergency care to patients in serious condition, functioning as headquarters for disaster medical assistance teams from across the country.

Japanese nonbanks blamed for fueling the economic bubble and hedge funds responsible for triggering the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008 can be broadly defined as China’s shadow banks.

Joe Biden, who pledged to become “a president for all Americans,” is responsible for building a foundation for reconciliation by paying attention to supporters of former president Trump as well.

Mohammad Ajimal Kasab, the lone survivor of the militant squad responsible for a rampage through Mumbai that killed 166 people in 2008, was hanged amid great secrecy in India.

One factor considered responsible for the recent stock market plunge is that foreign investors who purchased Japanese stocks in large quantities have started to sell their shareholdings.

There is no international agreement on who is responsible for disposing of debris released into the sea.

Toxic shock syndromes (TSS) caused by a composite infection of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and influenza may have been responsible for the deaths of some of the patients at a hospital.

Two factors responsible for the recent market plunge are speculative moves intended to drive down stock prices and high-speed, automated transactions.

West Japan Railway Co. President Masao Yamazaki should be held responsible for the derailment accident as he failed to have the automatic train-stop system installed.

Young carers are responsible for a wide range of tasks, including preparing meals and other housework, dropping off and picking up siblings from nursery school, in addition to assisting with bathing and toilet needs, medication and financial management, and accompanying people on outings.

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