
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

result in

(〜という)結果に終わる 〜に終わる 〜に帰着する (〜の結果)になる 〜につながる 〜を招く 〜をもたらす (⇒defect, reappointment, slowdown)

result inの関連語句

result inの用例

A 100-basis-point shock [rise] in Japanese government bond yields in 2017 would result in mark-to-market losses of 26 percent of regional banks’ Tier-1 capital.
2017年の時点で日本国債の利回りが仮に1%上昇した場合、地方銀行の中核的自己資本(Tier 1)は、時価評価で26%も減少する。

A doctor administered a muscle relaxant to an unconscious patient, resulting in his death.

A favorable cycle of events has begun to emerge, with strong performances leading to an increase in jobs and higher wage, resulting in boosts in consumption.

A lower court found the man guilty on charges of murder and indecent assault resulting in the death of a first-year high school student.

Among the 27 accidents Paloma Industries has made public, this case is the only one whose five year statute of limitations for professional negligence resulting in death has not expired.

As long as the BOJ voluntarily purchases government bonds, it will not result in a rapid rise in interest rates.

Exercising the justice minister’s right of command could result in political interventions in the judiciary.

Failure to reach an agreement between President Barack Obama and Congress could result in a fiscal contraction of up to $503 billion a year, pushing down real GDP growth by about 3 percent.

In connection with the collapse of a parking lot ramp at the Costco store in Machida, which resulted in the deaths of two people and injuries to six others, the Tokyo District Court’s Tachikawa branch sentenced its architect to eight months in prison, suspended for two years.

In the case of interrogations in closed rooms, investigators may lead suspects into making false confessions, which results in wrongful accusations.

In the case of the U.S. Marine Corps’ MV-22 Osprey, the rate of its serious accidents resulting in death or damage of $2 million or more is 1.93 per 100,000 flight hours, lower than the average rate of 2.45 for all marine corps aircraft.

Investigators’ coercive investigation methods taken by believing the accused to be the real perpetrator have resulted in false convictions.

New entries in the taxi industry were allowed by the liberalization of the industry in 2002, but the soaring number of taxis has resulted in excessive competition.

Preimplantation diagnosis has been conducted on infertile women as part of treatments that have resulted in the births of 16 babies so far at an obstetrics and gynecology.

Resident registration numbers were leaked via the Internet in South Korea, which resulted in a number of cases of fraud in which identity thieves bought things using others’ numbers.

The bank is mulling a further downward revision of its business results for fiscal 2011 that is expected to result in a massive loss.

The collapse of a bank may result in the systemic breakdown of the whole banking sector.

The controversy over the reappointment of Japan Post president has resulted in the de facto dismissal of Internal Affairs and Communications Minister Kunio Hatoyama.

The deflationary policy, which many policymakers at the time of the Great Depression of 1930s had to adopt under the gold standard regime, only resulted in prolonging the depression.

The first agreement with Iran since the start of negotiations in 2008 on the country’s suspected nuclear weapons development plans may prove to be a historic milestone for the United States as it could result in an about-turn in its Middle East diplomacy.

The government and ruling parties began considering the economic package as they feared falling stock prices could result in a financial crisis.

The Japan Meteorological Agency issues tornado alerts when a large cumulonimbus cloud is formed and it can result in a tornado occurring within an hour.

The large U.S. current account deficit might result in a marked decline of its international investment positions.

The WHO’s first on-site investigation into the origins and infection routes of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) resulted in almost rubber-stamping China’s assertions [claims].

The yen’s further depreciation could have resulted in a currency free fall and breakdown of the Japanese economy.

To immediately sell banks’ shareholdings through the stock-purchasing organization would result in huge losses due to the bearish stock market.

Two air traffic controllers were found guilty on charges of professional negligence resulting in injury in the near miss that took place over Yaizu city.

Under the revised Penal Code, the crime of rape resulting in death or injury has been renamed “forcible sex resulting in death or injury.”

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