
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

revised tax return


revised tax returnの用例

A revised Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law has been enacted to enable the swift freezing of funds belonging to terrorist organizations.

As stealth marketing by postings is problematic, the Consumer Affairs Agency has revised its guidelines for online transactions under the Law for the Prevention of Unreasonable Premiums and Misrepresentations concerning Products and Services.

Deliberations on the bill to revise the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law to simplify screening procedures for regenerative medicine products to speed up government authorization have been carried forward to the next sitting of the legislature.

If the LDP’s bill to revise the Public Offices Election Law passes, political parties and candidates will be able to update their websites and send out e-mails and the use of blogs, microblogs such as Twitter and social networking services will be liberalized.

In a high-stakes debate, Obama and Romney shared the stage for the first time and clashed over taxes, deficits and how to revive the U.S. economy.

The enforcement of the revised Mining Law enables the government to take the lead in specifying candidate sites for extracting seafloor resources and selecting developers.

The government revised up its economic growth figures for the first three months of the year.

The government should revise the Agricultural Cooperatives Law to clearly dismantle the three main pillars of JA Zenchu’s authority to conduct audits, issue management guidance and collect money, which form the foundation of JA Zenchu’s power.

The government submitted a bill to revise the special measures law to cope with new strains of influenza to the ordinary Diet session, the main pillar of which is the introduction of penalties on restaurants.

The Japan Student Baseball Charter created in 1946 was extensively revised in 2010, and the ban on interactions between pros and amateurs was lifted in principle.

The ruling and opposition parties intend to integrate their three bills to revise the Local Government Law as soon as possible.

Under the revised residency management system, the government issues a resident ID card for foreign visa holders, instead of the alien registration certificates that were previously issued.

Utilities are striving to boost [increase] supply capacity in preparation for this summer by installing emergency power sources and revising repair schedules for thermal power plants.

With the aim of lifting a ban on the use of the Internet in election campaigns for this summer’s upper house election, the LDP has compiled a bill to revise the Public Offices Election Law.

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