

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

rights of the case


rights of the caseの関連語句

rights of the caseの用例

According to the government’s standard classification, class-2 information in terms of confidentiality is defined as items whose disclosure may infringe citizens’ rights or administrative operations.

After the shooting rampage at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, demands for stricter gun control laws are rising in the Unites States where bearing arms is a constitutional right.

A surprisingly large number have yet to flick the “on” switch among business operators awarded the right to generate electricity through renewable energy sources including solar power to sell it to power companies under the feed-in tariff system.

Both the men’s and women’s teams of Japan have earned the right to advance to the final rounds in soccer at the London Olympics.

China and South Korea are intensifying their criticism that Japan is leaning to the right instead of reflecting on its past militarism.

Contiguous zone refers to a band of water extending up to 12 nautical miles from the outer edge of the territorial waters, and all foreign ships are granted the right to unrestricted passage across the zone.

Corporations have been limiting shareholders’ right to express opinions at shareholders’ meetings.

Establishing original edition rights would enable publishing companies to file lawsuits demanding the deletion of data if pirated copies are found to be sold on the Internet.

Fashion apparel maker Onward Kashiyama acquired the management rights of Italian shoemaker Iris.

If the Komeito and the LDP agree to form a coalition government after the lower house election, the former may put a leash on LDP President Abe by including a clause of requiring the LDP not to deviate from the conventional government view on security as his policies tend to lean strongly to the right.

It’s Iran’s insistence that the country also has a right to maintain a uranium enrichment program for peaceful utilization of nuclear energy.

LDP President Shinzo Abe set up a panel of experts to study scenarios for exercising collective self-defense right in May 2007 when he was serving as prime minister.

Liberal Democratic Party President Shinzo Abe’s policies tend to lean strongly to the right, so some Komeito members say they will not tolerate any hawkish policies.

Private placement of new shares is a means of increasing capital by giving a company sole rights to the purchase.

Referring to the speech of Martin Luther King, Jr., U.S. President Obama said that his speech inspired millions of Americans to fight for a more equal society and rights that people now take for granted.

The Agni-V missile of India is a major boost to its efforts to counter China’s regional dominance and become an Asian power in its own right.

The company’s board approved a plan to issue subscription warrants, or the right to buy new shares, to all shareholders on its shareholders list as of March 31, 2010.

The Democratic Party of Japan agreed to draw up necessary bills for joining the Hague Convention on custodial rights.

The National Personnel Authority recommends every year a revision in national civil servants’ salaries to compensate for the fact that their basic labor rights are restricted.

The right of command over the public prosecutor general is the justice minister’s right guaranteed by the Public Prosecutors Office Law.

The right to vote is a fundamental right of citizenship and the basis for democracy.

The White House treading a fine line with the pivotal Arab ally Egypt urged the country to respect the right to peaceful protest.

The Xi administration after the Hu-Wen regime is forced to appropriately deal with the suppression of the human rights of minority groups, such as those in the Tibet Autonomous Region.

To protect publication rights and copyrights in an age of electronic media, major publishing companies, writers and Diet members have agreed to establish original edition rights.

Under civil law, a preferential right is applied to cases such as employees’ salaries when their companies become insolvent.

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