
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

salary reduction

減俸 減給

salary reductionの関連語句

salary reductionの用例

About ¥310,000 of the average monthly salary for nursery workers is about ¥90,000 lower than the average for all industries.

All or part of their salaries is paid in cash.

A new type of black-market financing called “salary factoring” takes the form of purchasing rights to salaries and is similar to the purchase of companies’ accounts receivable, but it is no different from lending cash at high interest rates.

At its shareholders meeting, the company will explain measures to strengthen corporate governance and reconstruct management, including limiting terms of directorship, introducing mandatory retirement for directors and setting up an independent committee to nominate candidates for directorships and setting their salaries.

Central and local government employees receive higher salaries than workers in the private sector.

For job training of former Taliban militants and the provision of funds to pay the salaries of Afghan police officers, Japan will extend civilian assistance worth $5 billion.

In e-money salary payments on which the government is considering lifting the ban, salaries would be transferred to smartphone payment apps without going through banks.

In the system of regular pay hike, salaries rise in step with the age and the length of service of employees.

Salaries paid by private companies have decreased since 1999.

The National Personnel Authority recommends every year a revision in national civil servants’ salaries to compensate for the fact that their basic labor rights are restricted.

Under civil law, a preferential right is applied to cases such as employees’ salaries when their companies become insolvent.

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