
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

security forces

治安部隊 警備隊 治安維持勢力

security forcesの用例

After the Islamic militants known as ISIS advanced across northern Iraq and Iraqi security forces melted away, Kurdish fighters seized full control of the regional oil hub.

A national holiday celebrating the military on Oct. 6, 2013 turned to mayhem as security forces and Islamist protesters clashed around Egypt, leaving 51 killed.

In Libya, militias armed with heavy weaponry, which outguns its poorly organized security forces, run wild, so the country is seeing its worst violence since the 2011 civil war.

In Syria, the clashes between the government‘s security forces and army deserters may escalate into a civil war.

Iraq’s security forces are not fully ready to handle even a diminished insurgency on their own.

One million people live in Ebola quarantine zones cordoned off by local security forces.

security forces

治安部隊 警備隊 治安維持勢力

security forcesの関連語句

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