
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

serve as

〜を務める 〜として勤務する 〜として機能する 〜の機能を果たす 〜としての役割を担(にな)う 〜の役割を果たす 〜として役立つ 〜に使える 〜になる 〜に当たる 〜に就任する 〜に就く (⇒Plaza Accord [Agreement], susceptible to)

serve asの関連語句

serve asの用例

A justice, who allowed the prosecution to detain the suspect, served as the presiding judge in the high court trial.

A meeting between Konosuke Matsushita and visiting Chinese Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping in 1978 served as a catalyst for expansion by Japanese firms in China.

As the first woman to serve as our ambassador to Japan, Caroline Kennedy is also a role model for women in both our countries, U.S. President Obama said.

Behind the slump in the stock prices is a crisis of confidence in U.S. style capitalism, which until recently has served as a model of prosperity.

Declining crude oil prices will likely serve as a boon for the Japanese economy.

Fresh edible wild plants like bracken shoots and fatsia sprouts, which can be gathered in mountains or fields during the spring, are especially tasty when served as tempura or boiled.

If the use of the Internet is liberalized in election campaigns, the Internet can serve as a means for candidates’ swift rebuttal when negative information is circulated about them.

In Trump’s impeachment trial, questions have been raised about Trump’s self-righteous methods of governing and whether he is qualified to serve as president.

Karel De Gucht is a European Commission trade commissioner who serves on the EU-U.S. joint panel as the EU representative.

LDP President Shinzo Abe set up a panel of experts to study scenarios for exercising collective self-defense right in May 2007 when he was serving as prime minister.

Mutual distrust between Hamas and Israel is deep-rooted, but Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi is willing to serve as an intermediary between them.

The integrated company will have a “spirit of equality,” with the presidents of the two companies serving as joint CEO, and the same number of personnel from each company assuming executive posts in the new company.

The new National Stadium will serve as the main venue for the Tokyo Olympics.

The operators of pirate sites constantly change their domains which serve as addresses online, so it is not easy to keep track of them.

The U.S. Office of Science and Technology, headed by a leading scientist who serves as an advisor to the president, takes the initiative in setting national goals in the field of science and technology.

The yen’s stable rate at about ¥110 against the dollar serves as a stabilizing factor for importers, exporters and others doing business susceptible to exchange fluctuations.

To serve as the first chief of the new bureau of the International Criminal Police Organization, Noboru Nakatani, 44, who is on loan to the organization from the National Police Agency will be sent to Singapore.

U.S. soldier’s handover to U.S. forces followed indirect negotiations between the Taliban and the U.S., in which the government of Qatar served as the go-between.

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