
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

set a target

目標を設ける 目標を設定する 目標を掲げる 目安を示す (=set a goal)

set a targetの関連語句

set a targetの用例

In its Basic Energy Plan, the government sets a target of having renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, provide more than 20 percent of domestic electricity in 2030.

Japan has sent a delegation of 113 athletes to the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics, including 65 women, and in terms of medals, the Japanese team has set a target of surpassing its results at the 1998 Nagano Olympics where Japan won five gold medals and five silver or bronze medals.

The current minimum wage level will basically be maintained in fiscal 2020 as the Central Minimum Wage Council has failed to set a target for an increase in minimum wages due to the wide gap between labor and management by the outbreak of the new coronavirus.

The Fiscal System Council set a target of halving the ratio of the primary budget balance deficits of the central and local governments to gross domestic product in fiscal 2015 from the level in fiscal 2010, and achieving a primary budget surplus in 2020.

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