
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

set to

〜に取り掛かろうとしている 〜する用意ができている 〜しそうである 〜する方針だ 〜する方針を固める 〜する見通しだ 〜する見込みだ 〜する予定である 〜する恐れがある (⇒NHTSA, Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission, shrink)

set toの用例

About 14 percent of 2,000 companies will hire more university students set to graduate in spring 2015, according to a questionnaire survey carried out by a job information provider.

Before the implementation of the new ceilings on radioactive cesium in food, the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry is set to seek understanding and cooperation from local governments and industries concerned about toughening the limits.

GM and Toyota are each set to invest tens of billions of yen in a plant they jointly own in California.

JAL is set to raise international freight fares, primarily due to hikes in fuel prices.

Prime Minister Noda is closer to dissolving the House of Representatives as the Democratic Party of Japan is set to submit an electoral system reform bill to the Diet.

The company is set to slash 30,000 jobs in its group companies.

The NHTSA is set to launch a formal investigation into the power steering glitch in Toyota’s Corolla subcompact.

The tug of war of over educational reform between the ruling coalition and opposition parties appears set to be a highlight of the extraordinary Diet session.

The two companies are set to sign a one-year contract to offer code-share flights on their winter schedules, which begin in late October and end next March.

The unmanned Konotori 3 cargo vehicle is set to dock with the ISS and Japanese astronaut Akihito Hoshide will carry out the task using the ISS’s robot arm in collaboration with an American colleague.

This year’s job hunting season for university students and others set to graduate in spring 2015 has officially started.

With the aging of our society, crimes targeting the assets of elderly people are set to increase.

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