
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

shore up

(動)支える 下支(したざさ)えする 持ちこたえる 防衛する テコ入れをする 強化する 立て直す 拡充する 引き上げる 高める (⇒option, public det, revenue base, social security services)

shore upの関連語句

shore upの用例

Britain’s top banking group Barclays initially submitted artificially high rates to manipulate Libor levels upward to shore up its profits.

Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi’s trip to China may bring trade and investment to shore up his country’s flagging economy.

In order to shore up families in need, the new Biden administration has come up with an additional economic stimulus package worth about ¥200 trillion, centering on cash benefits for households.

Operational integration and merger have become two major options to shore up the foundations of companies.

Part of the bailout funds on the $700 billion financial rescue program went to shore up insurance giant American International Group Inc. and the auto industry.

The government should step up diplomatic efforts to shore up the IMF’s role.

The leaders of China are pressured to shore up the country’s economic expansion by implementing sweeping reforms as its economic growth decelerated in the final quarter of 2013 and is expected to slow further.

The U.S. FRB is poised to begin scaling back by the end of the year its QE3, the third round of quantitative monetary easing, which has helped shore up the U.S. economy.

To shore up their economies, major economic powers seem to be relying more on their monetary policies.

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