
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

simple majority

単独過半数 単純多数決

simple majorityの関連語句

simple majorityの用例

According to a poll published over the weekend, the majority of Brazilians support opening impeachment proceedings against Brazil’s first female President Dilma Rousseff.

After the U.S. House of Representatives, in which Democrats hold a majority, has voted to impeach U.S. President Donald Trump, political jousting will intensify further in the lead-up to November 2020’s presidential election.

A second supplementary budget cleared the House of Representatives with majority support from the Liberal Democratic Party and New Komeito.

A two-thirds majority of the Senators present is needed to remove President Trump from office.

Even if returned to the helm of government, the LDP will not have a majority in the upper house.

In an impeachment trial over the occupation of the U.S. Capitol by the supporters and others of former President Donald Trump on January 6, 2021 when Congress was in the proceedings to formally confirm the election of Joe Biden as the next president, the Senate has acquitted Trump as the number of voters fell short of the two-thirds majority, needed for a conviction.

In Central African Republic, the county has slipped into chaos since Muslim Seleka rebels seized power in March 2013, which leads to tit-for-tat violence between the rebels and “anti-Balaka” militia formed by the Christian majority.

In the current divided Diet, the ruling bloc holds a majority in the lower house while the opposition bloc has control of the House of Councilors.

In the Senate Trump’s second impeachment trial, a total of 57 out of the 100 Senators serving as jurors voted to convict Trump. This exceeded half the number of votes, but it fell short of the two-thirds majority, or 67 votes, needed for a conviction.

In the 300-strong National Assembly of South Korea, Saenuri Party got a water-thin majority of 152 seats.

In the Tokyo assembly campaign, attention is focused on whether the LDP and New Komeito will together win the 64 seats needed for a majority.

In the upcoming lower house election, the Liberal Democratic Party which aims to regain power could win more than a working majority of seats.

It is desirable for the voting age and the age of majority to be the same.

The coalition parties now hold a total of 110 seats, 12 short of 122, a majority in the House of Councilors.

The Democratic party has barely secured a majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, but it will be difficult for Congress to reach bipartisan agreements due to the intensifying rivalry between the ruling and opposition parties.

The investment fund has a de facto majority of shareholder voting rights.

The LDP and New Komeito secured an Upper House majority in the upper house election.

The LDP is trying to become the largest party in the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly again in the June 23 metropolitan assembly election and to secure a stable majority with its partner New Komeito.

The U.S. House of Representatives passed the financial bailout bill by a large majority.

simple majority


simple majorityの用例

Koizumi’s Liberal Democratic Party lost the simple majority it had held on its own.

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