
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

small and midsize companies

中小企業 中小・中堅企業 (=small and midsize corporations, small and midsize enterprises)

small and midsize companiesの用例

According to the BOJ’s Tankan quarterly economic survey for March 2020, the diffusion index which indicates business sentiment plunged among both large companies and small and midsize companies, due to the spread of infections with the new coronavirus.

As a conspicuous trend of job-seeking students, there are not many students who are willing to work in smaller companies even if small and midsize companies with good business results try to hire more new graduates.

As many students want to secure employment in a well-known company, there remains the problem of a mismatch between graduating students and the small and midsize companies hoping to hire them.

Many small and midsize companies are suspected of evading their legal obligation to join the public pension scheme for company employees.

The bank cut its lending to small and midsize companies by ¥5.63 trillion in the year ended March 31 from a year earlier.

The banks are now paying more attention to new loans and services aimed at individuals and or small and midsize companies.

The first supplementary budget focused on supporting small and midsize companies and household budgets hit hard by the spread of the new coronavirus.

The spring wage negotiations are set to begin in earnest for small and midsize companies for which about 70% of employees work.

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