
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

smartphone OS

スマートフォン(高機能携帯電話)向け基本ソフト(OS) (=an operating system for smartphones)

smartphone OSの用例

Application software products formatted for Google’s smartphone OS “Android” and Apple’s iPhone devices equipped with iOS have become easier to use.

Besides NTT Docomo, European mobile phone service companies are participating in the development project of a new smartphone OS called Tizen because they fear the hegemony of Google and Apple in businesses using smartphones, such as games and music distribution.

NTT Docomo Inc. is developing a new smartphone OS jointly with Korea’s Samsung Electronics Co. and other firms in an effort to compete with U.S. tech giants Google and Apple.

The development of apps for the new Tizen smartphone OS, which is an open-source product and has been developed mainly by Samsung and Intel, is expected to be simpler.

The Tizen smartphone OS of which main developers are South Korea’s Samsung Electronics and Intel Corp., a major U.S. semiconductor products manufacturer, will be an open-source product, so users can further develop or improve the software.

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コトバンク for iPhone

コトバンク for Android