social distancing

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

social distancing

社会的距離の保持[確保] 身体的距離の保持 対人距離の確保 ソーシャル・デイスタンシング (ウイルス拡散を防止する公衆衛生対策として、「人と人との間に安全な距離をとること(to keep a safe distance from others)」で、physical distancing(身体的距離の保持・確保)ともいう。⇒Three C’s)

social distancingの関連語句

social distancingの用例

Notwithstanding a surge in coronavirus cases in India, commuters wearing face masks are jostling for a ride on a bus discarding social distancing guidelines.

Social distancing refers to keeping a safe distance between you and other people to prevent coronavirus spread.

We need to avoid crowds, poorly ventilated spaces, and close contact with individuals and keep social distancing, in order to prevent the new coronavirus spread.

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