
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

social security system

社会保障制度 (=social security plan;⇒shake)

social security systemの関連語句

social security systemの用例

According to the campaign pledges of the political parties, they are hesitant to ask the public to pay more for their social security system.

A relentless decline in the working generation which supports the elderly may imperil the very foundation of the social security system.

A review of Japan’s social security system, under which nothing is off-limits, will be required to ensure that the system is sustainable.

Fiscal reconstruction through cuts in social security benefits and a tax increase is needed to keep the social security system afloat.

Freelancers who don’t belong to companies are not eligible for generous benefits because the current social security system is designed mainly for company employees.

The issue of hiking consumption tax is an indispensable one when discussing problems in the social security system.

The proposal by the Liberal Democratic Party to set up a national council for reforming the social security system drew our attention in the Diet deliberations.

The proposed national council for reforming the social security system is modeled after the National Council for Social Security, an expert panel set up under the administration of former Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda.

To build a sustainable social security system, the government will raise the percentage of out-of-pocket payments paid at hospitals by elderly people aged 75 or older from 10% to 20%, for single-person households with an annual income of ¥2 million or more.

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