solar energy

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

solar energy

太陽エネルギー 太陽熱エネルギー 太陽光(solar power) (=solar power)

solar energyの用例

The current purchase price for electricity generated by solar energy is about ¥38 per kilowatt-hour, but it remains nearly double the rate for wind power.

The government decided to dispatch Japanese experts to Russia to promote the introduction of alternatives to oil, such as wind power, solar energy and natural gas.

The purchase price for electricity generated by solar energy under the feed-in tariff system was lowered in April 2013 to about ¥38 per kilowatt-hour from the initially set ¥42.

There was a rush of applications to establish solar power generation facilities shortly before the purchase price for electricity generated by solar energy was lowered.

To cut the oil dependency rate by more than 10 percent, new industries must be established using such energy sources as solar energy and wind power.

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