
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

speak volumes about

〜について[〜を]雄弁に物語る 〜を如実に示す[示している] 〜を浮き彫りにする 〜を強く支持する 〜が明白である 〜は大いに意味がある[意味深長である] (=express [tell] volumes about:⇒speak volumes about)

speak volumes aboutの関連語句

speak volumes aboutの用例

According to a probe conducted by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, there was a series of questionable stock deals in which trading volume surged just after the capital increase announcements by listed companies.

In terms of the volume of plastic waste per capita, Japan ranks second in the world after the United States.

In terms of trade volume, South Korea is currently among the top 10 countries partly due to its efforts to promote free trade agreements with the United States, the European Union and others.

In the beer industry, a single day’s shipment volume during the busiest season from June to August influences the annual performances of beer companies.

In the beer industry, shipment volume from June to August usually accounts for more than 30 percent of the annual figure.

Italy ranks third in terms of public debt volume after the United States and Japan.

Since the opening of Chubu Airport, it has been gradually increasing the volume of freight it handles.

The first direct debate between the incumbent President Donald Trump, a Republican, and former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate, did not lead to policy debates due to so many personal attacks and one interrupting the other while speaking. This low-level U.S. presidential election debate speaks volumes about the deterioration of U.S. politics.

The higher volume of service options and features also contributed to the increase in operating revenues.

The recession and the yen’s appreciation have drastically reduced the volume of both international passengers and cargo.

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