
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

stand firm

断固として譲らない 決然たる態度を保つ

stand firmの関連語句

stand firmの用例

As circumstances stand today, China’s defense expenditures are about double Japan’s defense spending.

As it stands, the yen is the sole major currency whose value has not stopped increasing.

As things stand, the effective corporate tax rate, which is the ratio of corporations’ national and local tax payments to their taxable income, is higher than those levied in other major economies.

G-7 finance ministers said in a statement that they stood ready to call upon the IEA to take appropriate action to ensure that the market was fully supplied.

The international community must stand firm against terrorism and stamp it out.

To pay tribute to retiring Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin, Hillary Clinton joined her husband, former President Bill Clinton, in the Harkin Steak Fry event and stood before more than 6,000 Democratic Party activists who form the backbone of Iowa’s presidential campaign.

Yuzuru Hanyu, who won the gold medal in the event of figure skating at the Sochi Winter Olympics, stood on a stage set up on a large vehicle along with members of the figure skating club of Tohoku High School, his alma mater.

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