
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

stock price

株価 (=share price, stock quote;⇒heartening, stock speculator)

stock priceの関連語句

stock priceの用例

Amid the strengthening of the yen and declines in stock prices, the stock and financial markets appear to be wooing the BOJ to come up with additional financial measures to stabilize the markets.

As the financial markets’ confidence in the U.S. currency has been shaken, stock prices may fall worldwide and the dollar-selling trend may accelerate.

At present, export industries including home appliances and automobiles are raising their expectations for improved corporate performance under the weak yen, which has also driven up stock prices.

Behind the slump in the stock prices is a crisis of confidence in U.S. style capitalism, which until recently has served as a model of prosperity.

Corporate pension funds suffer from a dearth of reserves necessary to pay pension benefits to retirees due to declines in stock prices and ultralow interest rates.

Erratic fluctuations of both stock prices and exchange rates have continued, reflecting the turbulent moves of speculative money on world markets.

Hoping to attract individual investors by lowering the minimum amount needed to buy stock, more and more publicly listed companies are carrying out stock splits this year. But a stock split does not necessarily mean a company’s stock price will rise.

If Japanese stock prices continue to fall whenever there is a plunge in U.S. stocks, the country might be hit by another financial crisis.

It’s not always right that shareholders demand short-term stock price increases and higher dividends.

Japanese stock prices continue their downward trend.

Personal spending has been robust due to the asset growth from higher stock prices and a surge in last-minute demand before the consumption tax rate hike.

Stock prices dropped across the board in global market after the collapse of the power-sharing talks.

Stock prices have been rising due to an expectation that the Abe administration’s measures to deal with the appreciation of the yen will revitalize the domestic industries.

Stock prices of many major commercial banks closed lower, as they had in previous trading.

Stock prices rose and the yen fell as markets reacted positively to LDP President Shinzo Abe’s recent remarks on the central bank’s unlimited monetary easing measures.

Stock prices temporarily surged amid expectations of the implementation of Abe’s economic policies.

The average stock price reached a three-year high.

The Fed tried to stop the declines in stock prices worldwide.

The firm’s stock price rose 3.2 percent after it announced its stock split on August 30, and it hit its high for the year on September 26.

The yen began to appreciate and stock prices dived as soon as it was learned that the BOJ has no intention to hammer out measures to stabilize long-term interest rates.

This corporate value is set by multiplying the number of shares by the expected stock price.

Two factors responsible for the recent market plunge are speculative moves intended to drive down stock prices and high-speed, automated transactions.

U.S. business expansion has entered its ninth year and U.S. stock prices have been hovering within the range of record-high levels.

What is missing in the ongoing debate over Abenomics is that it’s primarily U.S. monetary policy that is affecting stock prices around the globe including Japan.

While prices of primary materials increase in Japan, consumer spending has been increasing due to improved consumer sentiment following recent strong stock prices, so beneficial and negative patterns of price hikes currently coexist.

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