
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

subject to

〜に服する 〜に従う 〜の影響を受ける 〜を必要とする 〜を条件とする 〜を条件として 〜を前提として 〜の場合に限って 〜を免れない 〜が適用される 〜の適用を受ける 〜次第で 〜によって決まる 〜を対象とする 〜の対象となる ただし〜 (⇒legal screening, stress test)

subject toの関連語句

subject toの用例

According to the Financial Stability Board, 28 banks viewed as global systemically important financial institutions (G-SIFIs) will be subject to a new global rule requiring them to hold extra capital to prevent future financial crises.

A company listed on the Fukuoka bourse is subject to delisting after two straight years of negative net worth.

A comprehensive ban on substances that do not have the exact chemical structures as substances subject to punishment but share primary components makes it possible for narcotics officers to apprehend violators.

Any sublicense granted by the licensee shall subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement.

As a negative aspect to lowering the upper limit on the age at which minors are subject to the Juvenile Law, from “under 20” to “under 18,” it could be that those aged 18-19 would not be given educative treatment based on the Juvenile Law.

Major brokerages that offer services on capital increases and takeover bids will be subject to the TSE’s inspections conducted in response to a series of illegal stock transactions.

Not only the operators of illegal sites [websites] but also individuals who repeatedly download manga or other contents are subject to criminal punishment under the revised Copyright Law, which went into effect in January 2021.

Pilots are not subject to virus tests at airport quarantine centers [stations] as long as they fulfill certain conditions such as monitoring their health after returning to Japan.

Quasi-legal drugs which are sold almost openly under such names of “legal herbs” and legal “aroma” are not subject to laws and regulations, but people who use these drugs hallucinate or develop other symptoms similar to those caused by narcotics or stimulant drugs.

The general public will not be subject to the specially designated secret intelligence protection law.

The global 28 megabanks will be subject to the FSB’s new international requirement to absorb losses and reduce the moral hazard posed by these banks.

The herbs, which are sold as incense and are not subject to legal controls, contain dried plant pieces mixed with drugs designed to generate stimulatory or hallucinatory effects.

The revised law of normalizing and reinvigorating the taxi industry is aimed at designating central Tokyo and the downtown areas of other major cities as “special areas” because the number of cabs is regarded as excessive, which will be subject to mandatory taxi reductions.

The victims of massacres deemed as the work of government militiamen in the central Syrian town of Houla was subject to atrocities such as being gunned down or stabbed to death.

Transactions with freelancers are subject to the Antimonopoly Law and the Subcontract Law.

Under the revision bill of the Copyright Law, copyrighted materials which happen to appear within images saved on smartphone or other such devices will not be subject to the restrictions on the downloading of the copyrighted materials.

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