
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

successful results

好業績 好結果 上首尾

successful resultsの関連語句

successful resultsの用例

Air pollution has become a serious problem in China as a result of the country’s focus on economic growth above all else by ignoring environmental protection measures.

A move to enable society at large to have free, unrestricted access to research results achieved through public funds is called the open access (OA) model.

Automakers’ business results in the second half of this fiscal year are expected to be worse than in the April-September term.

Based on the results of a medical examination on his hearing, the supposedly deaf composer Mamoru Samuragochi returned his physical disability certificate to the city of Yokohama.

Domestic airlines, buoyed by business demand, bore the burden of skyrocketing aviation fuel prices to post strong results up to the first half of fiscal 2008.

In an antigen test to rapidly detect the new coronavirus, a reagent is combined with the sample (mucus collected from a person’s nasal cavity) and is dropped onto a tiny measuring instrument. And a positive result can be seen in about 15 minutes and if there is no reaction after 30 minutes, the result is judged to be negative.

Officials of many leading companies encouraged employees to take action and achieve results.

Results of the runoff in the French presidential election could strongly influence the future of the sovereign debt crisis in Europe.

The bank posted record results in the third quarter.

The firm’s second quarter results impressed investors who had been fretting about a downturn in its ad prices.

The government will make final judgments whether to go ahead with the commercial production of methane hydrate and seafloor hydrothermal deposits in fiscal 2018, based on the results of test drilling and investigation of the resources.

The result of the Brazilian presidential election reflected a nation deeply divided after the most acrimonious campaign since the return to democracy.

To calculate the probability of the occurrence of side effects from medical drugs, the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry will collect information including prescriptions, symptoms and the results of tests from patients’ electronic medical records.

Toshiba Corp. and Hitachi Ltd. recorded firm results in the latest period, in sharp contrast with the other three major electronics manufacturers currently in the red.

What will be the results of businesses’ midterm settlement of accounts in September?

When findings of basic research are applied to medicine, the same results from animal tests cannot necessarily be seen in clinical applications.

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