
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

such as

〜のような 〜などの 〜など 〜といった (⇒living things、power of a veto, side effect)

such asの用例

According to a draft of new guidelines compiled by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, junior high school students will be allowed to bring smartphones and mobile phones to school to use them for emergency contact such as in the event of a disaster.

Among household use, the sales of high-priced premium beers such as Asahi Breweries’ Dry Premium, The Premium Malts by Suntory Liquors and Sapporo Breweries’ Yebisu beers are strong this summer.

As noteworthy traits of the revised Civil Code which went into effect in April 2020, it has codified an accumulation of judicial precedents in statutory form and revised the content to reflect changes in the times such as the spread of online transactions.

Buttressed by buoyant exports and the effect of restructuring moves, such as personnel cutbacks, major firms are substantially improving their earnings.

Four major candidates in the Tokyo gubernatorial election held their first face-to-face debate and discussed issues such as nuclear power and the 2020 Tokyo Olympics during the recording of a program for NTV.

If troubles arise, such as a breakdown at the Oi nuclear power plant, the supply-demand conditions will quickly become tight and rolling blackouts may occur.

Indonesia has enjoyed decent economic growth since the global financial crisis of 2008 due to the U.S. FRB’s quantitative easing and higher prices of primary commodities such as coal and palm oil as the country’s major exports.

In the draft of disaster prevention and mitigation measures, concrete numerical targets such as the completion rate of sea embankments and the percentage of buildings equipped for quake resistance are clearly stated.

Investors have turned bullish as anxieties over unclear factors overseas such as Greece’s debt crisis have been eased.

It is an entrenched bidding structure that allows irregularities such as influence-wielding, bid-rigging and subcontracting entire public works contracts.

New problems have occurred, such as the appearance of multiple-drug resistant tubercle bacillus and outbreaks of massive infections inside schools, hospitals and facilities for the elderly.

Now it is possible to identify users by comparing data, even anonymous data, with other data such as location information due to the advancement in analytical technology.

Recent spates of climate catastrophes such as the occurrence of super typhoons are said to be due to global warming.

Stringent fiscal austerity programs, such as the fiscal compact of 2012 which was imposed upon the European Union at the strong insistence of the German government, led to the recession in Europe.

The Abe administration faces several major challenges such as lifting the economy out of deflation, reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake and the TPP negotiations.

The amount of capital contribution to the AIIB by each founding member country was calculated based on its economic power such as gross domestic product.

The Democratic Party of Japan is backed by labor unions such as the All-Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers’ Union and by the Japan Teachers’ Union.

The growth areas that replace Sony’s TVs will be three pillars of gaming products such as the PlayStation 4, imaging sensors for digital cameras, and mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers, which are crucial to Sony’s electronics division.

The use of quasi-legal drugs can cause serious health problems such as disturbed consciousness and breathing difficulty.

The U.S. government froze the assets of four individuals and eight entities that were involved in illicit activities such as money laundering, currency counterfeiting and narcotics trafficking.

The yen’s rising value could open up new strategies for Japanese firms, such as making it possible acquire top-rate foreign companies.

Though the rules of the Special Olympics for mentally impaired athletes are almost the same as those for people without impairments, the athletes are grouped according to their condition, such as age and athletic ability.

To deepen strategic cooperation with Southeast Asian countries in the field of maritime security, Japan must improve the software aspect of assistance, such as conducting a technical training, in addition to the hardware aspect of aid such as providing goods and cash.

To restore domestic industries, the government will designate the next five years as an emergency period for structural reforms, focusing on measures such as utilizing the female labor force and promoting private investment.

Under the secrecy protection law, highly confidential state secrets will be disclosed in principle after 30 years of confidentiality designation. But concrete measures, such as how to disclose or destroy documents after the secrecy period ends, have been left up in the air.

Unless financial support such as farm subsidies is limited to large-scale farmers fully engaged in agriculture, the consolidation of farmland is unlikely to make headway under a uniform support system as small-scale farmers will not give up their farms so they can remain eligible for subsidies.

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