
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

supporters’ group

後援会 支援団体 支援組織

supporters’ groupの用例

A former white-red-white flag of Belarus is used in opposition to the government by Belarus opposition supporters.

Deep resentment remains between supporters and opponents of beleaguered Prime Minister Aso.

In Cairo, the riot police of Egypt’s interim government smashed two protest camps of supporters of deposed Islamist president Morsi.

In Egypt, troops opened fire on Muslim Brotherhood supporters and 55 people were killed.

In Turkey, the confrontation between secularists and supporters of the ruling party is intensifying, so it’s difficult to avert splits in society unless Prime Minister Erdogan listens to the voices of secular people.

Joe Biden, who pledged to become “a president for all Americans,” is responsible for building a foundation for reconciliation by paying attention to supporters of former president Trump as well.

There is the possibility that Thaksin supporters will stage demonstrations and clash with the military, so it’s difficult to fathom the consequences that the political imbroglio will have on the Thai economy.

The storming and occupancy of the U.S. Capitol by former President Trump’s supporters and others on January 6, 2021 has left a blemish on U.S. democracy.

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