英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
suspected of
suspected ofの用例
A former senior official of Credit Suisse Securities (Japan) Ltd. is suspected of having evaded about ¥130 million in taxes over profits related to stock options.
An 18-year-old man suspected of beheading a teacher who had shown his students cartoons of the prophet Mohammed was shot dead by policemen, a judicial source said.
It is difficult to distinguish between the coronavirus and the flu based on symptoms alone, but people with a fever are said to be suspected of having a coronavirus infection.
Many small and midsize companies are suspected of evading their legal obligation to join the public pension scheme for company employees.
The first secretary at the Chinese Embassy in Tokyo is suspected of engaging in espionage activities in Japan.
The special investigation squad of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office has started questioning the officials of several equipment companies suspected of involvement in bid rigging for snow-removal equipment on the section of the Hokuriku Shinkansen Line between Nagano and Kanazawa, which is slated to open in spring 2015.
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