英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
take A for granted
Aを当たり前[当然、当然のこと、勿論のこと]と思う Aを当然のこととして評価[考慮、感謝]しない Aを当然のこととして気にかけない[おろそかにする、軽視する]
take A for grantedの関連語句
take A for grantedの用例
Customers have taken it for granted that they would get plastic shopping bags for free when shopping at supermarkets and convenience stores, but they must purchase them for about ¥2 to ¥5 each, starting July 2020.
Referring to the speech of Martin Luther King, Jr., U.S. President Obama said that his speech inspired millions of Americans to fight for a more equal society and rights that people now take for granted.
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