take advantage of

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

take advantage of

〜を利用する 〜の利点を生かす 〜に便乗する 〜につけ込む

take advantage ofの用例

According to an Internet survey by Dentsu Inc., nearly 45% of grandparents would like to take advantage of the new special tax exemption system for cash gifts of up to ¥15 million per grandchild for education expenses.

As a mystifying act for a country ruled by law, the South Korean judicial authorities seem to have been taking advantage of the rising anti-Japan sentiment in their country by disregarding the agreement on property claims and economic cooperation reached between both countries in 1965.

The development of cross-border infrastructure in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) has prompted a number of multinational corporations to transfer some of their manufacturing processes to Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar to take advantage of cheaper labor costs.

The firm took advantage of the consumption tax hike to raise its product price.

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