
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

tariff cap

関税の上限 (=tariff ceiling)

tariff capの関連語句

tariff capの用例

A surprisingly large number have yet to flick the “on” switch among business operators awarded the right to generate electricity through renewable energy sources including solar power to sell it to power companies under the feed-in tariff system.

Despite strong criticism from Washington’s trading partners against high tariffs on steel imports to rescue the ailing U.S. steel industry, the USTR stressed the legitimacy of such safeguard measures.

If an FTA is not signed within the transition period up to the end of December 2020, tariffs between Britain and the EU will be restored.

In the agricultural negotiations at the World Trade Organization, Japan has been under strong pressure from rice exporters to lower import tariffs on rice and to expand access for foreign rice.

The Customs Tariff Law bans imports that infringe on patent, design and commercial brand rights.

The EU’s high tariff policy toward three IT-related import items reflects its desire to encourage foreign electronics manufacturers to set up factories in EU member nations.

The government plans to raise its tariff on imported beef from August as a safeguard emergency import control measure in the wake of a steep year-on-year increase in imports of beef.

The LDP will oppose Japan’s participation in the TPP talks as long as the pact is premised on the elimination of all tariffs without exception.

The meeting between TPP minister Akira Amari and U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman centered on Japanese tariffs on 586 items in five major farm product categories, including rice and wheat.

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