
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

temporary worker

派遣社員 派遣労働者 臨時従業員 (=temp worker;⇒work contract)

temporary workerの用例

In the case involving the poisoning of Chinese frozen gyoza dumplings which came to light in 2008, a Chinese defendant, a temporary worker at the manufacturer of frozen gyoza, has been sentenced to life imprisonment.

Temporary workers have been increasing as regulations under the 1986 Temporary Staffing Services Law have gradually been relaxed.

The revised worker dispatch law obliges temporary staffing companies to take job stability measures for temporary workers, through such measures as training programs to help them improve their careers and through such steps as asking companies to hire them directly.

The use of dispatched workers was limited to a maximum of three years to protect regular employees’ jobs before the revised worker dispatched law. But the revised law allows companies to extend the use of temporary workers in all job categories following talks with labor unions and other parties.

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