
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

tend to

〜しがちである 〜する傾向がある よく〜になる

tend toの用例

According to the National Police Agency, about 4,000 to 5,000 cases of sexual violence against children are recorded every year, and many sex offenders tend to repeatedly commit similar acts of abuse.

Amid the financial crisis in Cyprus, which was triggered by Greece’s financial collapse, the euro continues to be weak in the foreign exchange market while the yen tends to be bought.

Concerns over the U.S. economic outlook tend to induce yen-buying as a safe haven.

During the recruiting season, students tend to neglect their studies as they have to spend a lot of time job-hunting and visiting prospective employers.

Freelancers tend to be in a precarious position though they can choose how they work.

In Japanese firms, stable shareholders including banks and business customers generally account for a majority of shareholders, so management tends not to listen sincerely to shareholders’ voices.

Liberal Democratic Party President Shinzo Abe’s policies tend to lean strongly to the right, so some Komeito members say they will not tolerate any hawkish policies.

Part-time workers tend to use consumer credit services when they run short of cash before payday.

The business community, which will hire university graduates, is skeptical of the current state of university education because many students tend to attend classes only passively.

The TSE average tends to be linked to those in U.S. markets on the previous day.

The turnover rate of a company can be considered to be one of the important indicators of whether it’s exploitative because black firms tend to hire young workers en masse, assuming that most of them will quit before long.

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