
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

terrorist attack

テロリストの攻撃 テロ攻撃 テロ (=terror attack;⇒axis of evil, security)

terrorist attackの関連語句

terrorist attackの用例

Algerian government forces launched an attack on the armed Islamist group, reflecting its sense of urgency that similar terrorist attacks might follow unless they bring the situation under control immediately.

An Islamist radical group, which has announced its intention to carry out terrorist attacks on the Sochi Winter Olympic Games, has also claimed responsibility for a series of suicide attacks that hit Volgograd, northeast of Sochi, in December 2013.

In contrast to the glowing touches put into place for the opening of the sports event, the Sochi Winter Olympics is under tight security against an Islamist radical group’s terrorist attacks.

Some in the LDP are calling for a revision to the law to punish organized crimes in the wake of a series of terrorist attacks in Paris. But the government will not submit to next year’s ordinary Diet session a bill to criminalize involvement in conspiracy to commit terrorism and other crimes.

Southeast Asia must steel itself for the likelihood of more terrorist attacks.

The move to put the fight against terrorism at the forefront comes in the wake of the coordinated terror attacks on theaters and sports stadiums in Paris.

The nonlife insurance industry wants all kinds of buildings and other properties not insured for terrorist attacks.

The simultaneous terrorist attacks in Paris are not a one-off event and the militants may have similar operations ready to launch, the CIA Director warned.

The Sochi Winter Olympics in Sochi, a resort in the south of Russia on the Black Sea coast, has kicked off under the threat of potential terrorism because an Islamist radical group announced its intention to disrupt the Games through terrorist attacks.

To prevent any repeat occurrence of the terrorist attack and hostage-taking incident launched by an armed Islamist group in Algeria, it is essential to get to the bottom of the incident.

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